Torah Thinkers Forum

The purpose of a “CFR Online Torah Thinkers Forum” is to create a virtual classroom and develop an open conversation to share ideas. The CFR rabbinical staff will present the Torah point of view. Through this dialog we hope to enhance the participants' knowledge, practice and appreciation of Judaism.

If you would like to register for the Torah Thinkers Forum please click here




Periods in Jewish History




The First Five Days of Existence

Basic Beliefs and theology of Judaism, including: the Thirteen Principles of Faith. _____________________________________________________________________________


From Adam through birth of Noah:  

Creation Calendar 1 - 1056 / 3760 B.C.E. – 2704 B.C.E.

Humanities fall from Greatness



Noah and the Flood:

Creation Calendar 1056 - 1657 / 2704 B.C.E. – 2103 B.C.E.

From the birth of Noah through the end of the Flood – Reward and Punishment



Shem till birth of Abraham:

Creation Calendar 1558 - 1948 / 2202 B.C.E. – 1812 B.C.E.

The chaos of a world without Torah



The Patriarchs and Matriarchs:

Creation Calendar 1948 - 2255 / 1812 B.C.E. – 1505 B.C.E.

From the birth of Abraham until death of Jacob – Defining the Patriarchs and Matriarchs



The Twelve Tribes:

Creation Calendar 2193 - 2332 / 1566 B.C.E. – 1428 B.C.E.

From the birth of Reuvain until death of Levi – The Nation’s diversity



The Egyptian Experience:

Creation Calendar 2238 - 2448 / 1522 B.C.E. – 1312 B.C.E.

From the descent of Jacob and his family to Egypt, their enslavement and their ultimate redemption – The Chosen People



Moses, Aaron and Miriam:

Creation Calendar 2362 - 2488 / 1398 B.C.E. – 1272 B.C.E.

From the birth of Miriam until the death of Moses – Jewish Leadership



Revelation at Mount Sinai:

Creation Calendar 2448 / 1312 B.C.E.

History’s single most important event – The Giving of the Torah to the Nation Israel – Defining Judaism



The Forty Years in the Desert:

Creation Calendar 2448 - 2488 / 1312 B.C.E. – 1272 B.C.E.

A Nation of Faith and Devotion



The Conquest of Land of Israel – Joshua:

Creation Calendar 2488 - 2516 / 1272 B.C.E. – 1244 B.C.E.

A Nation of Warriors or Servants of the Almighty?



The Judges:

Creation Calendar 2516 - 2871 / 1244 B.C.E. – 889 B.C.E.

From Othniel ben Kenaz until ascension of Samuel as Prophet – A Nation ruled by Torah



 The Prophets:

Creation Calendar 2871 - 3448 / 889 B.C.E. – 312 B.C.E.

From the ascension of Samuel as Prophet to the cessation of Prophesy at the beginning of the Second Temple Era – The Almighty communicates with his people



The Kings:

Creation Calendar - Circa 2862 - 3338 / 898 B.C.E. – 422 B.C.E.  

From the anointing of Saul as King (a date not known with certainty) until Nevuchadnetzar takes King Zedekiah prisoner – Torah perspective on Monarchy



The First Temple:

Creation Calendar 2928 - 3338 / 832 B.C.E. – 422 B.C.E.  

From its construction under King Solomon until its destruction by Nevuchadnetzar – The Nation’s struggle with Faith



Destruction and Exile:

Creation Calendar 3338 - 3408 / 422 B.C.E. – 352 B.C.E.  

The Seventy years of the Babylonian Exile – The Jew in Exile



Return of the Exiles and the Second Temple Era:

Creation Calendar 3408 - 3828 / 352 B.C.E. – 68 C.E.

The destructive forces of secular influence



The Second Destruction and Exile:

Creation Calendar 3828 - Circa 4254 / 68 C.E. – Circa 494 C.E.  

Destruction of the Second Temple till redaction of the Talmud (73 years after Ravina & Rav Ashi’s death) -  Preservation of a People without a homeland



The Post Talmudic Period (The Early Middle Ages):

Creation Calendar – Circa 4254 - 4798 / Circa 494 C.E. – 1038 C.E.  

From the redaction of the Talmud until the closing of the Babylonian Academies



Period of the Rishonim (The High and Late Middle Ages):

Creation Calendar 4773 - 5252 / 1013 C.E. – 1492 C.E.  

From the birth of Rabbi Isaac Alfasi until the expulsion of Spanish Jewry from Spain – Codification of the Oral Tradition



Period of the Achronim (the Last Five Hundred Years):

Creation Calendar 5252 - 5773 / 1013 C.E. – 2013 C.E.  

From the expulsion of Spanish Jewry from Spain until the Return of Jews to resettle Land of Israel – Messianic times


Last updated on: 04/29/2024
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