



Periods in Jewish History




The First Five Days of Existence

Basic Beliefs and theology of Judaism, including: the Thirteen Principles of Faith. _____________________________________________________________________________


From Adam through birth of Noah:  

Creation Calendar 1 - 1056 / 3760 B.C.E. – 2704 B.C.E.

Humanities fall from Greatness



Noah and the Flood:

Creation Calendar 1056 - 1657 / 2704 B.C.E. – 2103 B.C.E.

From the birth of Noah through the end of the Flood – Reward and Punishment



Shem till birth of Abraham:

Creation Calendar 1558 - 1948 / 2202 B.C.E. – 1812 B.C.E.

The chaos of a world without Torah



The Patriarchs and Matriarchs:

Creation Calendar 1948 - 2255 / 1812 B.C.E. – 1505 B.C.E.

From the birth of Abraham until death of Jacob – Defining the Patriarchs and Matriarchs



The Twelve Tribes:

Creation Calendar 2193 - 2332 / 1566 B.C.E. – 1428 B.C.E.

From the birth of Reuvain until death of Levi – The Nation’s diversity



The Egyptian Experience:

Creation Calendar 2238 - 2448 / 1522 B.C.E. – 1312 B.C.E.

From the descent of Jacob and his family to Egypt, their enslavement and their ultimate redemption – The Chosen People



Moses, Aaron and Miriam:

Creation Calendar 2362 - 2488 / 1398 B.C.E. – 1272 B.C.E.

From the birth of Miriam until the death of Moses – Jewish Leadership



Revelation at Mount Sinai:

Creation Calendar 2448 / 1312 B.C.E.

History’s single most important event – The Giving of the Torah to the Nation Israel – Defining Judaism



The Forty Years in the Desert:

Creation Calendar 2448 - 2488 / 1312 B.C.E. – 1272 B.C.E.

A Nation of Faith and Devotion



The Conquest of Land of Israel – Joshua:

Creation Calendar 2488 - 2516 / 1272 B.C.E. – 1244 B.C.E.

A Nation of Warriors or Servants of the Almighty?



The Judges:

Creation Calendar 2516 - 2871 / 1244 B.C.E. – 889 B.C.E.

From Othniel ben Kenaz until ascension of Samuel as Prophet – A Nation ruled by Torah



 The Prophets:

Creation Calendar 2871 - 3448 / 889 B.C.E. – 312 B.C.E.

From the ascension of Samuel as Prophet to the cessation of Prophesy at the beginning of the Second Temple Era – The Almighty communicates with his people



The Kings:

Creation Calendar - Circa 2862 - 3338 / 898 B.C.E. – 422 B.C.E.  

From the anointing of Saul as King (a date not known with certainty) until Nevuchadnetzar takes King Zedekiah prisoner – Torah perspective on Monarchy



The First Temple:

Creation Calendar 2928 - 3338 / 832 B.C.E. – 422 B.C.E.  

From its construction under King Solomon until its destruction by Nevuchadnetzar – The Nation’s struggle with Faith



Destruction and Exile:

Creation Calendar 3338 - 3408 / 422 B.C.E. – 352 B.C.E.  

The Seventy years of the Babylonian Exile – The Jew in Exile



Return of the Exiles and the Second Temple Era:

Creation Calendar 3408 - 3828 / 352 B.C.E. – 68 C.E.

The destructive forces of secular influence



The Second Destruction and Exile:

Creation Calendar 3828 - Circa 4254 / 68 C.E. – Circa 494 C.E.  

Destruction of the Second Temple till redaction of the Talmud (73 years after Ravina & Rav Ashi’s death) -  Preservation of a People without a homeland



The Post Talmudic Period (The Early Middle Ages):

Creation Calendar – Circa 4254 - 4798 / Circa 494 C.E. – 1038 C.E.  

From the redaction of the Talmud until the closing of the Babylonian Academies



Period of the Rishonim (The High and Late Middle Ages):

Creation Calendar 4773 - 5252 / 1013 C.E. – 1492 C.E.  

From the birth of Rabbi Isaac Alfasi until the expulsion of Spanish Jewry from Spain – Codification of the Oral Tradition



Period of the Achronim (the Last Five Hundred Years):

Creation Calendar 5252 - 5773 / 1013 C.E. – 2013 C.E.  

From the expulsion of Spanish Jewry from Spain until the Return of Jews to resettle Land of Israel – Messianic times


Last updated on: 04/23/2024
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